If you’re looking for quality testing and pathology screening, then Learn to Nourish is the Clinic for you. Our professional team is here to guide our patients and their families every step of the way. Stop by and schedule an appointment to experience first hand how our testing can help you identify and resolve your health issues.

At Learn To Nourish we value comprehensive health screening which allows us to get an immediate picture of your health. We may chose from a variety of screening tools and tests including blood pressure, heart rate and blood oxygenation screening.

At Learn To Nourish, we understand that looking after you health can be expensive! Therfore, when possible, our practioner's will work in conjuction with your G.P of choice to undertake standard pathology, so you can receive free testing under the medicare rebate system.

Functional pathology testing offers a range of hormone, metabolic, nutritional and gastrointestinal function profiles to ensure the cause of your health problems is accurately identified and managed.
We use specialist laboratories that have state of the art technology that allows us to use saliva, urine, stool and blood samples to provide fast accurate results; in most circumstances these samples can be collected in the comfort of your own home. You will be provided with clear instructions and easy to organise collection, which makes this process simple and convenient.
The cost of these tests varies greatly so your practitioner will discuss your options during your consultation.