Sleep is often undervalued in today’s society. The youth stay up till ridiculous hours of the morning and adults work from daybreak till way after sundown forcing them to stay up way too late into the night winding down. Shift workers are another story altogether as their circadian rhythms are completely disrupted. This article will give you 9 factors that may be affecting you sleep.
Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) are becoming better known every day and the list of side effects grows exponentially. EMF sensitivities are becoming more common and people are more susceptible to wireless devices and other electronics. Therefore, during sleep all electrical devices should be switched off or moved as far away from the bed as possible. There have been numerous case studies illustrating the increased quality of sleep and energy throughout the day when they removed EMFs from their bedroom. EMF meters are invaluable in locating EMFs and higher than tolerable levels are much more common than expected.
Geopathic stress includes the earth’s fault lines, electrical wires, underground waterways and other earthly disturbances which can have a severe effect on your sleep cycle. Case studies have also shown the negative effects these can have on REM cycles. Divining can be used to choose appropriate bed placement in a room or house.
Avoiding televisions, phones and computers before bed may be self-explanatory however it is important to quickly note that not only the abundance of blue light before bed disturbs melatonin but the overstimulation of the brain also impairs deep sleep. Reading a read a book by yellow light is the best alternative to T.V.
The last meal should be more than 2-3 hours before bed as this time is needed to appropriately digest food. Proper regeneration during 3-4 REM cycles is impaired if the body is busy digesting food. The last meal should also be as light as possible to speed along digestion. Avoid heavy meals containing large amounts of fat, carbohydrates or protein.
Having a clean bedroom free from dust and bugs may seem self-explanatory but can be an important point. Having a clean bedroom also means having adequate fresh airflow. Ensure that windows are opened during the day and stale air is pushed out.
The hormone melatonin has many health benefits. It not only ensures better sleep but also reduces stress and anxiety, migraines and fights against cancer.
The balancing act that occurs between melatonin and cortisol is imbalanced strongly by stress and diabetic conditions. Therefore, the management of some sleep disorders may need to focus on the regulation of blood sugars levels throughout the night and reduction of stress.
Neurotransmitters, which during times of stress or imbalance can be up-regulated, stopping the body from switching off and going to sleep. GABA is the neurotransmitter that down-regulates all other neurotransmitters and therefore supplementing or boosting the body’s own production of GABA can help initiate and keep the your body asleep.
Magnesium is the mineral that is responsible for initiating sleep. Ensuring that the patient has adequate levels of magnesium for cellular processes is important for muscular and skeletal health.
The thyroid, is commonly disturbed when sleep disturbances are present or can exacerbate the issue even further. Hyperthyroidism can result in issues resting and insomnia. The up-regulated hormones inhibit the relaxation of the body. However with hypothyroidism you often have no issue falling asleep initially however wake during the night and typically wake tired in the morning.
Sleep is multifaceted and can in some cases be extremely complicated. Sleep is also extremely important for our health. Therefore if your not getting the sleep your body craves book in for a consultation today.